Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Reality Check

Ever had those days you want to scream? You think you are the only one with problems? Then someone hits you with the reality that life isn't all about you. It's about what you do with the cards you're dealt.

REALITY CHECK! (ouch. I liked my pity party)

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I am a mom of two and, lets face it, life can be HECTIC.

{{..back story..}}
Caroline, our youngest, has been a puzzle since day one. We had a great stay in the hospital but when we got home, it was like someone gave me the wrong child. She screamed 20 hours out of the day, I wish I were exaggerating, and she wasn't gaining weight. At week two, she started to refuse eating. So, back to the doctor we went. After many appointments, we figured out she was MSPI (which is children who have a Milk Soy Protein Intolerance). I was breastfeeding and given a STRICT diet to follow. Long story short, I stopped breastfeeding and she was put on RX formula, Nutramigen. Everything was great for a few days and out of nowhere she starts forcefully spitting up. BACK to the doctor we go. We were referred to a Gastroenterologist, Levine Children's Specialties, who determined she had severe reflux and she was prescribed Prevacid. After days of fighting with the insurance, we were finally able to get this liquid gold. {{At this point, she was 7-8 weeks old}}. Fast-forward 2 months and many sleepless nights..
{{..present day..}}
Caroline is almost 4 months old, yet still a newborn in so many ways. Last night she was up every hour wanting to eat. I have been told by our Pediatrician this is peak reflux time (4-6 months), JOY! It's so hard to be a full time mom and working 40 hours a week.
**With this being said**


 I have to remember that I am chosen to be the mother to my daughters and [THAT] is the best job I could ever ask for. On days like today, I have to take deep breaths and "keep on keeping on". I am often reminded to soak up the good, bad, ugly and messy because there will be a time when I wish for these days back. I will embrace everyday I'm given to be called mom with loving arms and many kisses.
..this was me this morning..
:) Happy Tuesday
Thanks for reading.
Super tired, mom :)

1 comment:

  1. :( Bless your heart. I am so sorry! Do the doctors expect that she'll outgrow the allergy and reflux? Sure hope so - also hope you get some sleep :)
